Category: AGM

  • The Dings community meeting minutes August ’24

    The Dings community meeting minutes August ’24

    Thank you all for coming and welcome to our first meeting in the refurbished Safe Ouse.  Welcome to our guests, Luke Scadding – PCSO6688; Sophie also from the Police, Harry Simpson – Old Market Community Association

  • The Dings AGM minutes ’24

    The Dings AGM minutes ’24

    This is Sal’s last report as Chair. This will be my final AGM report for the Dings as its chair, after 17 years I have decided it is time for someone else to carry on the work on behalf of the Dings.

  • February’24 roundup of the Dings & Community meeting

    February’24 roundup of the Dings & Community meeting

    Our Monthly roundup of the chatter in the Dings. Repair cafe, refurbed pubs, lots of development news (when isn’t there!), Dance classes, youth club support and lots of other stuff.

  • The Dings AGM minutes ’23

    The Dings AGM minutes ’23

    Sal Caseley: We have not held so many Dings community meetings, in the past year, but the Directors have all been busy, we have had numerous meetings with developers who all require our approval for planning of student accommodation.