Category: News
January 23 roundup of the Dings
Remembering Seymours Seymours was a very key part of the community back in the day and there was a lovely discussion on the facebook site – here’s part of it. Just up the road. Who remembers Richard and Seymour’s family club? Booo. Hello Richard here. This came up on Facebook. Had to answer. Great to…
December 22 roundup of the Dings
Hope you all had a great Christmas and a happy New year Advent Calendar Windows Big thanks to all that took part here’s a summary of them all by date (although the numbers don’t add up so I suspect some of the pictures were just random Christmas pictures!). Well done to Helen for arranging this…
November 22 roundup of the Dings
On Mondays, we will be offering homework support for English from 4-5pm (primary school) and this will be Maths homework support. Once again this will run from 4-5pm for primary school children and 5-6pm for secondary school
The Dings Community Meeting – 28th Sep 2022
Minutes These are the minutes from out last meeting….
October 22 roundup of the Dings
A new deli has moved into a unit in the arches on Oxford Street near Temple Meads Station. The Dings Deli completes the street filled with independent businesses both old and new – and its owner wants to bring the village deli into Bristol.
The Dings Community Meeting 12th February 2018
1. Welcome to all. Apologies: Bev Woodman 2. Minutes – agreed from last time (aside from point 9 – Sal to find out more info re: masters student survey about community safety) 3. Resident attendees: 8. Other attendees: Emmanuel – Redeemed Christian Church of God, PCSOs Amy Pickles (6718) & Luke (7150) 4. Police –…
The Dings AGM minutes
The Dings Annual General Meeting and Community Meeting 17th April 2018 1. Welcome to all. Apologies: Jeff Bendall, Bev Woodman, Ali Hender 2. Minutes – all agreed. 3. Resident attendees: 7 4. The Dings Community Awards: an adult award and a junior award to be presented with certificates at the next Fun Day. 5. Fallen…