December’23 roundup of the Dings


Our Monthly roundup of the chatter in the Dings. Festive advent windows, Elf (not on a shelf), Allotment, Cheese and other random goodbyes.

Christmas Advent Calendars

Big thanks to Helen for arranging and everyone who contributed to this years windows

Not to be confused with this cheeky Elf that Sarah Booth spotted

Bristol Hub Tutoring sad goodbye from Nola Hersey

Tonight we said a huge thanks and goodbye to Will who has been managing the The Bristol Hub tutoring for The Dings kids over the last few years. He put so much time and effort in and leaves it working really well. His replacement will join in the new year. He will be missed !

Wellspring settlement over 50’s from Sally Caseley

Free lunch, raffle, quizzes for over 50’s at Wellspring Settlement, transport provided door to door. All welcome. please pass onto your neighbours not on facebook.

Questionnaire on the future of parks strategy

Fond Farewell to Shaun the ice cream man

Heritage Passage by Becky Gardner

Got lost in Lockdown on walk by Bristol Feeder Canal and around the Barton Hill area _ remember seeing St Lukes Church _ walked on and ended up back on the canal but went through this tunnel which had tiles depicting Bristol’s industrial history _ was really good _

Paint Reuse Point by Ian Batten

Good local discovery. In the sofa project just up the road by the recycling centre, they have a paint reuse point. They get loads of paint, stain and varnish donated from dulux & other suppliers from end of life / damaged tins etc, and sell it all for £2 a litre. The chap also said they can get most colours in. So much cheaper than retail price 🎨

New Allotments coming.. by Irene Dickenson

The Cheese Project Insulation offer

Did you know you can get a survey from The C H E E S E Project – Bristol (a not for profit CIC) to improve your home insulation, saving you money and increasing your comfort?

Use the #RetrofitWest Homeowner Assessment Accelerator £250 voucher towards this cost and depending on your circumstances, you may be able to get it completely free.

Find out more ➡️

Propyard News

Looks like its not likely to survive .. but no definite news and New years eve went ahead, despite unpaid bills

Development News

Plan for £17 million affordable homes Development

Have your say on the council’s budget proposals before 21st December 2023 by Sarah Dailly

The council has opened a public consultation. Your input on the proposals to setting a balanced budget for the coming year is important.The consultation is open until 21 December 2023.To find out more have your say, follow the link below

Welcome Building – call for public artwork proposals

Deadline for expression of interest: 5th January

Bricks has announced an open call for proposals for a new major public artwork for the Welcome Building, Temple Quarter, Bristol. The artwork should support a welcoming and socially responsive environment, reflecting contemporary and future ways of working and living. The total budget is £109k and the deadline for expressions of interest is 10am on 5th January. Find out more here.

£75 Million Student Housing opposite Motion


