February ’25 roundup of the Dings


Our Monthly roundup of the chatter in the Dings. Ferry trip and new photo club for the kids, Podcasts and crocodiles for the grown ups, California Nebula, community gardening and Bins.

Kids Fun – From Nola

School Holiday Fun – free activity 🙂

The Blue Influencers club went on a Ferry adventure.

They ran a trip to Bristol Harbourside during February half term! This was on Thursday 20th February from 12:00-4:15pm. It included a guided geographical ferry tour from Temple Meads to Spike Island, followed by a guided tour of the Underfall Yard Museum and a litter pick, before catching the ferry back to Temple Meads and walking to Dings Park.

Kids Photo Club

Youth Activity – come and play !

Starts Friday February 28th at 4.30 pm at the Safe House and will be run by Esther and Chiz who have set up many play sessions around Bristol.

You can meet Chiz on the Ferry Trip this Thursday – there are still some free places for any who would like to go – young or old 🙂

Bricks Podcast and crocodiles – from Nola

For any interested in the history of The Feeder Canal this is a great podcast

… and the Crocodile launch party is on this Saturday afternoon at the new office block on Anvil Street. If you would like to go please send an RSVP to the email below. The skin of the crocodile was made by local people and there are some Dings creations in there

Bus Service News – no 61 – from Nola

Some updates on the 61 bus

– very sadly The Big Lemon will no longer be operating it as of tomorrow. A company called Eurocoaches is taking over the service.

– the changes I had hoped we could make to the route so more people could use it appear not to have been accepted for the April timetable change slot. I will ask that they look at it for September 🤞

If anyone would like to send thanks to The Big Lemon I am happy to collate and send it on.

Community Gardening

A small but mighty group turned out for the cycle path litter pick today. Big community thanks to Serrie, Sal, Steff and Ian, and the 2nd wave, a new community member, Siham, Yayhe and Mark. Litter was picked, brambles and buddleia cut back and a light released

Awesome effort !

Waste Collection questionnaire – shared by Irene

We’re asking you your thoughts on new proposals for waste collection. We are looking to find ways to increase our rates of recycling to reach the national target of 65% of waste being recycled by 2035.

Have your say: https://orlo.uk/ufvVg. The consultation will close at midnight on Monday 10 March

The Cheese Project

We are a Bristol-based not-for-profit CIC. Our aim is to reduce domestic energy losses at low cost helping you improve your comfort and wellbeing as well as reduce your energy consumption and carbon footprint.

New Parking Charges – shared by Irene

From the Dings to the Cosmos – courtesy of Lee Pullens

From The Dings to The Cosmos!

This is The California Nebula, a cloud of gas and dust stretching across the constellation Perseus. It’s illuminated by the powerful radiation of nearby hot stars, causing its hydrogen gas to glow. The California Nebula is very faint and you’ve really no hope of seeing it from a light-polluted city like Bristol with your eyes alone, so astrophotos are needed to show it in any detail. As usual, this photo was taken from my back garden in Oxford Street.

More info: https://urbanastrophotography.com/…/the-california-nebula/

Development News

We don’t have any current updates but

Old Market Community News

Old Market community keep a very close eye on things in the area so worth checking them out at the Old Market Community Association website.