Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Dings Community Meeting – 28th Sep 2022

    Minutes These are the minutes from out last meeting….

  • October 22 roundup of the Dings

    October 22 roundup of the Dings

    A new deli has moved into a unit in the arches on Oxford Street near Temple Meads Station. The Dings Deli completes the street filled with independent businesses both old and new – and its owner wants to bring the village deli into Bristol.

  • The Dings Community Meeting 12th February 2018

    1. Welcome to all. Apologies: Bev Woodman 2. Minutes – agreed from last time (aside from point 9 – Sal to find out more info re: masters student survey about community safety) 3. Resident attendees: 8. Other attendees: Emmanuel – Redeemed Christian Church of God, PCSOs Amy Pickles (6718) & Luke (7150) 4. Police –…

  • The Dings AGM minutes

    The Dings Annual General Meeting and Community Meeting 17th April 2018 1. Welcome to all. Apologies: Jeff Bendall, Bev Woodman, Ali Hender 2. Minutes – all agreed. 3. Resident attendees: 7 4. The Dings Community Awards: an adult award and a junior award to be presented with certificates at the next Fun Day. 5. Fallen…

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